Message From the Secretary General
Welcome to the BayMUN XV website! My name is Husain Ahmed and I am the Secretary General of the 15th annual THIMUN affiliated Bayan Model United Nations Conference. This year’s confernce focuses on finding solutions for issues in a media-centric age while working towards achieving the UN’s 2030 goals. The admin team and I have worked hand in hand for the past several months to give you a unique and memorable experience. With that said, I can not wait to see you all at BayMUN XV on the 18th and 19th of November.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
This Year's Theme
The Power Behind The Lens
“The Power Behind The Lens” refers to media and its ability to create positive or negative changes across the globe. The motto of the conference is “The future through the lens of peace,” as delegates will tackle various issues related to media and its global influence
BayMUN XV and Media
The delegates this year will be tasked with tackling various media-related issues and the global influence they have. In today’s world, media has become as essential as air and water, playing a large role in information, education, entertainment, and more. Our delegates will focus their debates on issues surrounding the media, making the experience both relevant and instructive.
Why Does It Matter?
Media are the channels of communication or the means through which data or information is stored and transmitted. The phrase alludes to elements of the mass media and communications sector. People in a number of businesses have been provided chances thanks to it, and the social media sector is constantly growing. Social media and digital media jobs are expanding now and will continue to do so in the future. With that, this year’s conference issue is of great significance to future developed endeavors.
BayMUN's Trip to Switzerland
Our Mission
BayMUN XV has the ability to build confidence in students, making them proud of their cultural and ethnic background. Furthermore, allowing students to gain self-confidence in numerous ways including public speaking, debate, and dialogue. BayMUN XV will ensure that the issues our world faces today are spread to all in attendance. BayMUN XV will shape the leaders of tomorrow into wanting to make positive change and better the world we live in.